September 27, 2021 Keeping Active and Healthy During Lockdown

Keeping Active and Healthy During Lockdown

The ongoing pandemic has helped many people realise the importance of looking after their health both physically and mentally. It has been difficult to stay focused on keeping healthy as many of our methods used before the pandemic are put to a stop due to ongoing lockdowns in many areas. Luckily there are plenty of ways you can still maintain good health whilst staying at home to ensure that you keep up with the healthy living you were used to prior to the lockdown.

Health care tips to observe at home

Remember to eat right

Eating healthy keeps your body fit. With the correct diet, you can help boost your immune system, and avoid many health problems including obesity and diabetes. Eating a healthy balanced diet with plenty of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables also makes your diet more nutritious, adding more vitamins and minerals to your body. Avoid junk food at all times even if tempted to reach for it, as they are the agents of bad health, especially if you don’t work out enough to burn them off.

Staying Hydrated

Drinking enough water is an essential part of healthy living that is often ignored by many. 2.5 to 3.5 litres of water is what you need to drink every day to ensure your body has enough water to function properly. This helps you to stay focused and concentrate when performing your daily tasks.

Do more exercises

Setting aside at least one hour every day is a great way of staying fit and active during lockdown as the ongoing pandemic has left us withdrawing from gyms due to high risk of infections. Going for a brisk walk, run or bike ride, doing some yoga at home, creating your own exercise routine or getting out and doing some gardening will all help you focus on your mental health by reducing stress, as well as burning off unnecessary fats in your body.

Getting enough sleep

Getting enough sleep helps the body to rest and recover, allowing you to be refreshed for the next day, which also helps you stay healthy both mentally and physically. Make sure you are getting 7 – 8 hours of sleep every day and have a specific sleep routine to help condition your mind and body for a good quality sleep. Avoid watching TV or using you phone before bed time as blue light emitted by the screens has been proven to disrupt your sleep quality.

Try meditating

Keeping Active and Healthy During Lockdown

Our physical and mental health are often affected by stressful events causing high stress levels, which can lead to sickness. Meditation is one way of minimising and controlling stress. Be calm always and where possible meditate somewhere where you can get some vitamin D from the sun. Do this before bedtime to enhance your sleeping quality.

Final Thoughts

Staying healthy not only includes good nutrition and regular exercises but also living in a clean and germ-free environment and following the COVID-19 guidelines from the World Health Organisation and Services NSW. If you would like help with which specific exercises you can do at home to assist with neck and back pain, give one of our team a call on 02 9144 1510.

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