January 2, 2020

Physiotherapy For Hip Bursitis

hip bursitisIt is quite common for older individuals to experience a fair amount of hip pain from time to time. This is often caused by a condition known as hip bursitis (sometimes referred to as “trochanteric bursitis“). In order to understand the steps that can be taken to reduce the associated symptoms, it is first important to examine some of the primary causes and symptoms of this condition.

What are Some of the Most Common Causes of Hip Bursitis?

The hip is comprised of a number of tendons which are necessary to provide core stability to the trunk and the pelvis and lower limb. It is therefore understandable that this area is subject to a significant amount of tension. One of the ways in which the body is able to accommodate for this stress is to have a small fluid-filled sac known as a “bursa”. However, these very same structures can occasionally become inflamed due to excessive levels of friction or after an acute injury. This type of inflammation can the lead to bursitis within the hips (particularly on the outside of your hip).

The Symptoms of Hip Bursitis

Knowing how to spot the warning signs of hip bursitis is crucial if you hope to minimise the effects and have the most targeted treatment options. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Tenderness centred around the outside of one or both hips.
  • A dull or burning pain which worsens when performing activities such as climbing a flight of stairs or lying on the painful hip.
  • Pain that occurs after sitting on a hard surface for prolonged periods of time and going from sit to stand.
  • Any type of pain that becomes worse with repetitive activities such as running or stretching.

It is also interesting to note that while hip bursitis is common in older generations, it can sometimes develop in younger individuals who are extremely physically active.

How Will Bursitis be Diagnosed?

One of the ways in which a professional will diagnose this condition involves your past history of hip pain or discomfort. This is particularly the case if the pain happens to be located on the outer portions of the hip. A diagnostic Ultrasound or MRI can determine if you have bursitis or gluteal tendinopathy. Tight and restricted gluteal muscles or ITB tightness will also contribute to your symptoms. Other diagnostic measures include assessing individual levels of stiffness as well as determining if you walk with a slight limp. Physiotherapist’s will also enquire about other issues such as how long the pain has been present as well as what movements cause the most discomfort.

How Can Physiotherapy Help?

One of the first steps to alleviate the symptoms associated with hip bursitis is to contact one of our physiotherapists in Turramurra in Sydneys Upper North Shore. Whether you have been recently experiencing pain or it has become a chronic issue, our physiotherapists are always here to help. Please do not hesitate to schedule an appointment by calling 9144 1510 so that we can determine the extent of the issue and provide the relief that you have been looking for.


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